
Child Custody

Man granted joint custody of non-biological child in Centre County. Despite having no biological connection to the child, he was granted joint physical and legal custody. The court found that since he raised the child since birth and raised the child as his own, he had the right to request the same custody as a […]


Lawyer negotiates $50,000 lump sum alimony payment to Wife despite claim of adultery during marriage in contentious divorce case. Wife received lump sum payment of alimony in addition to fifty percent of the marital assets after aggressive negotiations of a Marital Settlement Agreement. Husband refused to pay alimony on the grounds that Wife committed adultery. […]

Child Custody

Mother receives primary custody of children after custody trial in Union County. Mother filed to modify a joint custody order by requesting primary custody of her two children. Father also filed asking for primary custody. After a hearing, the Judge found Father to be unstable and resentful against Mother. The Judge granted Mother primary custody […]

Commonwealth v. Geneda Turner – Not Guilty – Battered Woman Syndrome

Northumberland County Jury returns a not guilty verdict for Aggravated Assault. Facing a mandatory five-year state sentence, Geneda Turner was acquitted after presenting a “battered woman syndrome” defense after shooting shot her paramour outside her residence. Attorney Kyle Rude convinced the jury that Ms. Turner was acting in self-defense after years of abuse at the […]

Commonwealth v. Candice Steinbacher – Motion for Judgement Acquittal Granted

Motion for Judgment of Acquittal for a Driving Under the Influence (DUI) prosecution was granted by Lycoming County President Judge Nancy L. Butts, after Attorney Kyle Rude argues that the Commonwealth could not prove Ms. Steinbacher was in actual physical control of a motor vehicle. Ms. Steinbacher was arrested after Williamsport City Police believed she […]

Commonwealth v. Brad Hornberger – Justification Defense Works

A Lycoming County Jury returned a verdict of not guilty for Mr. Hornberger who was charged with Former Felon in Possession of a Firearm after he is found carrying a shot gun while hunting with his son. With his client facing a mandatory five-year state sentence and a state parole violation, Attorney Kyle Rude presented […]

Aggravated Assault and Recklessly Endangering Another Person

College student found not guilty and avoids a three-year state prison sentence. After a two day trial in Clinton County, the jury accepted the self-defense argument and acquitted a Lock Haven University Sophomore of Aggravated Assault and Recklessly Endangering Another Person.

Corrupt Organizations, Conspiracy and Possession With Intent to Deliver

Allentown man who was facing twenty plus years for Corrupt Organizations, Conspiracy and Possession With Intent to Deliver more than 1000 grams of heroin, turns down a 15 year guilty plea offer before trial. After the prosecution presents 6 of 12 witnesses during two days of trial, the Senior Deputy Attorney General agrees to a […]

Widow’s Benefits

Our Client was a widow whose husband had died in a work-related accident in March of 2013, and as a result, she was receiving weekly wage loss benefits under the Workers’ Compensation Act. These wage loss benefits were payable to her as a surviving spouse until she remarried or unless it was determined that she […]

Work-Related Herniated Disc

Our Client, a 58 year old food service delivery driver, slipped while making a delivery and suffered a disc herniation at L4-L5. After hiring Schemery Zicolello, the Client began receiving Workers’ Compensation benefits for his work-related back injury. The employer and its insurance company then hired a vocational expert to perform a Labor Market Survey […]