Motorcycle Awareness on Pennsylvania Roads
Pennsylvania drivers are used to seeing cars and trucks on the roadways. There many of these types of vehicles that it can be difficult for drivers to forget about them. However, the same is not true for motorcycles.
Motorcycles make up a very small portion of traffic on Pennsylvania’s roads. Additionally, these vehicles are so small that they are easily missed. These two factors combined make it easy for drivers to forget about motorcycles on the streets. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration drivers do not anticipate the presence of motorcycles in most situations. This can be dangerous for motorcyclists.
Other factors also make it difficult for motorcyclists to be on Pennsylvania roads. Motorcycle awareness is decreased because of large blind spots on other vehicles. Motorcycle awareness is also reduced by environmental factors including light patterns, roadside objects and other factors that make it difficult for motorcyclists to be recognized on the roads. Driver distractions can also make it easy for drivers to miss a motorcycle.
Motorcycle awareness is important so that motorcycle accidents can be avoided. If an accident occurs, a motorcyclist can be seriously injured. There are many ways that motorcycle awareness can be increased throughout the country. Specifically, an effort should be made to educate drivers on the presence of motorcycles and the dangers they face. Also, motorcyclists need to understand these risks and drive defensively to avoid an accident.
Motorcycle accidents can occur at any time. Pennsylvania motorcyclists need to be aware of the risks of these incidents. They also need to be aware of their legal rights should an accident occur. An attorney may be able to help individuals who have suffered a loss because of a motorcycle accident understand the potential right to compensation from a negligent driver.